Sunday, June 12, 2011

Camping in Tanzania?

 Last week my family and I traveled to Tanzania. We celebrated my brother's birthday. He turned 17. We walked all over the place. My sister shouted when the lion roared. We laughed a lot and she cryed. Tanzania is beautiful, the
  In the night we camped in a beautiful place. The giraffes are large, the baby giraffe walked next to its mother and ate the carrots. The hippopotamus a bath in the mud. We walked net to a monkey and I ran to the bus, because I didn't like these animals. I liked the elephant. This  animals roamed all over place.

      We ate under a tree. Had a lot of foods: sandwiches, sodas, cake, watermelon, strawberries, melon, juice, sushi, meat, ice cream of various flavors: strawberry, chocolate and vanilla, also a rich lemon jelly. But the bees flew around of the soda, looked a buffet.
     We drank lot of water. The temperature was very high, sweated a lot. Continue the tour we saw birds, zebras and a snake in a tree.
     The finish tour we went the shoping. I bought a shirt, a mug, a book a keychain and a cap.
     At night we camped in a beutiful place. We did campfire and sing. When we slept, I listened many noises and sacared, also the mosquitoes stung me and was annoying.
    But travel was wonderful. : )

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