Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Present Continuous

Affirmative structure

*  Subject  +  am  +  verb  +  complement   +  . 
                        is           ing
       My father is singing in the bathroom.

Negative structure

* Subject  +  am not  +  verb  +  complement   +   .
                        isn´t          ing

       Students aren´t studying for math.

Interrogative forms structure

*Am + subject + verb + complement + ?
   Is                          ing
       Is Luis playing golf?  Yes, he is
       Is Luis playing baseball?  No, he isn´t 

Wh question structure 

*wh  +  am  +  subject  +  verb  +  complement  +  ?
 what    is                             ing  
 where  are 

 What are the kids drawing?    The sun



Weather icons

What´s the weather like?



1.-Juan is washing the car.
2.- Pedro is cleaning the window.
3.-Martin is painting the house.
4.-Carolina is driving the car.
5.-I am taking out the garbage.
6.-Lupita and Mario are speaking in the yard.
7.-Daniel is riding the bicycle.
8.-Diego is sweeping the street.
9.-Matute is walking the dog.
1.-I am coming to Agua Prieta.
11.-The car is parking in the street.
12.-Jose is paying Maria.
The neighbors are cleaning the colony.
14.-The dog is sniffing the stool.
15.- The people of the city are working.
16.-Traffic lights are changing all day.
17.-Tenchita is giving orders to the street sweepers.
18.-The bird is drinking water.
19.-Adrian is selling news paper.
20.-Belinda is running over the dog.


1.-Juan isn’t washing the car.
2.-Pedro isn’t cleaning the window.
3.-Martin isn’t painting the house.
4.-Carolina isn’t driving the car.
5.-I am not taking out the garbage.
6.-Lupita and Mario aren’t speaking in the yard.
7.-Daniel isn’t riding the bicycle.
8.-Diego isn’t sweeping the street.
9.-Matute isn’t walking the dog.
10.-I am not coming to Agua Prieta.
11.-The car isn’t parking in the street.
12.-Jose isn’t paying Maria.
The neighbors aren’t cleaning the colony. .
14.-The dog isn’t sniffing the stool.
15.-The people of the city aren’t working.
16.-Traffic lights aren’t changing all day.
17.-Tenchita isn’t giving orders the street sweepers.
18.-The bird isn’t drinking water.
19.-Adrian isn’t selling news paper.
20.-Belinda isn’t running over the dog.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Pictionary Laisure Activities

Take a nap
Check e-mail
Play soccer

Listen to music

Nereyda interviews in class.


*When do you do the laundry?
*What do you do on the weekend?
*When does your family go shopping for food?
*When do you watch TV? 

  • Nereyda does the laundry once a week.
  • She does the laundry and takes a nap on weekends. 
  • Nereyda goes shopping on mondays
  • She watches Tv every night.  

Dayli activities 2 members of my family.